
How To Generate Wadl File For Restful Web Service


WADL is acronym for Spider web Application Description Language. WADL is championed past Lord's day Microsystems. WADL is lightweight, easier to understand, and easier to write than WSDL. In some respects, information technology is not every bit flexible as WSDL (no binding to SMTP servers), just it is sufficient for any REST service and much less verbose.

Points to Note

  • WADL is a machine readable XML description of HTTP based spider web-services.

  • WADL is intended to simplify the reuse of web services that are based on the existing HTTP architecture of the Web.

  • It is platform and linguistic communication independent and aims to promote the reuse of applications across the basic apply in a web browser.

  • WADL was submitted to the Www Consortium by Sunday Microsystems on 31 August, 2009, however the consortium has no current plans to standardize it.

  • The service is described using a gear up of resource elements.

  • Each resource contains param elements to describe the inputs, and method elements which describe the request and response of a resources.

WADL Details in SoapUI

Step 1 − Double-click the REST service – "sample-service". It volition open the Service Overview wizard.

Rest Service

Step two − Click Service Endpoints.

The Service Endpoints tab defines any number of alternative endpoints for service, which can easily switch between the REST Request editor.

Service Endpoint

Step 3 − Click WADL- Content.

The tree to the left allows easy navigation betwixt elements in all imported files. For example, selecting the Go method every bit in the screenshot above highlights it in the corresponding WADL file to the right.

WADL Content


How To Generate Wadl File For Restful Web Service,


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